Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Season Opener

The list of athletes competing and race times for this weekend has been posted; athletes should report to woodman at 3:10. As we are in unprecedented times spectators are not allowed at the meets (both weekend invitationals and SEC regular season meets). For the weekend meets they are working on getting video this way families can watch from home. We as a coaching staff and athletic department ask that you please follow these guidelines as if broken we will be kicked out of meets. These are difficult times and we are just grateful to just have a season. Meet guidelines will be posted here soon and as we find out new details more they will be posted as well.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020


Tomorrow all athletes should report to woodman field between 3:05 to 3:10, please be on time as we are losing daylight and have to make the most out of practice time. Tomorrow we will discuss who has made the team and the outlook for the season.


There will be no practice today due to the impending thunderstorms and not being able to utilize indoor spaces. Athletes should do the prescribed running at 1:30 once the school day is done to avoid the storms followed by the Nike app workouts below. We will meet tomorrow at 3pm.

Freshman: Easy 20 minute run

JV/ Varsity: Easy 40 minute run

Nike App:

1) Runner Warmup

2) Open Rotation

3) Quick Core Crush

4) Quick Fix Mobility

5) cut to the core

6) extend your range

7) 10-minute HIT: Legs & Core

8) Runner Flexibility

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Monday 9/28

There is no practice tomorrow athletes should do the prescribed workouts below. Threshold run is a pace about 25 to 30 seconds per mile slower than 5k race pace. All athletes have yet to fill out the parent information form, as stated following instructions is also a stipulation for being a part of this team. Keep any eye on the blog in regards to arrival time for Tuesdays practice.

Varsity: 2 mile warm up, dynamics and drills followed by 40 minute threshold run

JV: 2 mile warm up, dynamics and drills followed by 3 mile threshold run

Freshman: 2 mile warm up, dynamics and drills followed by 2 mile threshold run.

Nike App:

1) Joint mission

2) 12-minute arms & abs

3) Opening time

4) 10-minute HIT: Legs & Core

5) Runner Flexibility

Friday, September 25, 2020


There will be no practice tomorrow. Athletes should do the suggested workouts below on their own followed by the Nike app workouts. There will be no practice on Monday but a workout will be posted her Sunday evening.

Freshman: Easy 30 minute run
JV: Easy 45 minute run
Varsity: Easy 80 minute run

Nike App (all levels)

1) Runner Stability

2) Open Rotation

3) 10-minute HIT: Legs & Core

4) Extend your range

Thursday, September 24, 2020


Tomorrow all athletes should arrive at 2:30pm. Also, as a reminder; make sure you all fill out the covid questionnaire before noon and if you check yes for any of the symptoms you cannot come to practice. Make sure you also fill out the parent information google form.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

PE & Parent Info.

Families please see the newest links to the right labeled PE opt out and parent info. The parent info link is a google form that must be filled out by all; please make sure you put in the most up to date contact information and parent email addresses that are frequently checked. For the PE opt out this is only for sophomores, juniors and seniors. They will be taken by Coach Washington today and tomorrow at practice, however you must wait to be notified that you are opted out before you stop logging in for Phys. Ed. You must also make the team, if you are cut the athletic department and counselors will be notified and you will not be opted out of phys ed.  

Monday, September 21, 2020

Team Masks

The team gear site is up and we also have masks for sale; you can buy one for $15 or get two for $25, we also have a promotion now that if you spend $40 or more you will receive a free team magnet. The shop link is listed to the right under infor... tomorrow athletes should arrive between 2:30 and 2:45, as stated in the previous blog please be on time.


The most up to date roster has been posted, if your name is not on this list do not fill out the daily checklist and you are not allowed at practice. For those of you that are cleared make sure you fill out the fall questionnaire (to the right under info.) by noon the latest. You can still fill it out after noon but it is preferred that it is filled out by then. If you are not feeling well or have any of the symptoms listed on the questionnaire stay home. Athletes should arrive today between 2:40 to 2:50, please be on time if you start to show up after the alloted time you will not be allowed in. 

Friday, September 18, 2020


Reminder all athletes are off today. However, there is a workout for you to do at home. Athletes should also download the Nike training app from the apple or google store depending on your phone

Home workout:

Warm up: 4 sets of 20 jumping jacks, 10 Squats, 5 push ups


Freshman: 30 minute run

JV: 45 minute run

Varsity: 60 min run

Nike App.


1) Runner Stability

2) Open Rotation

3) Joint mission

4) 10-minute HIT: Legs & Core

5) Runner Flexibility


1) Open Rotation

2) Quick Core Crush

3) Quick Fix Mobility

4) 12-minute arms & abs

5) 10-minute HIT: Legs & Core

6) Opening time

7) Runner Flexibility


There will be no practice for freshman today, all freshman are asked to go for an easy 30 minute run on their own followed by the youtube link:

There will also be no practice for all levels tomorrow; a workout for athletes to do on their own will be posted.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020


 An updated roster has been posted, please check and if you have been added you can begin practicing tomorrow. Athletes, fill out daily questionnaire before noon tomorrow and should arrive at woodman between 2:50 and 3pm. Please be on time

Tuesday, September 15, 2020


Families we did not receive an updated roster today and currently waiting for one to be sent to us. When this is done it will be posted, you can access it at the link on the right titled 2020 roster. Again we ask for your patience in this matter. All athletes should arrive tomorrow by 3pm, please be on time so that we can get you all in and screened and have practice started as soon as possible. Athletes also need to fill out the fall covid questionnaire before coming to practice, it is now a google form so no need to print and this must be filled out every day before noon... It is also listed to the right under info.

Monday, September 14, 2020


The latest roster showing athletes that are cleared has been posted. Parents, I know there is a lot of confusion in regards to your children and being cleared. For those that have questions direct all your emails to For the most part the majority of you didn't physically turn in any paperwork. Yes, genesis was completed however, most of you haven't turned in any physical documentation on the days that the district provided. This paperwork includes a physical, health history form or your child is in need of an impact test. For those that aren't cleared but turned in paperwork in the last two weeks we are just waiting for the paperwork to be processed and your child will be cleared. Please check the blog daily, as I receive updated rosters I will update the roster on the blog. Athletes who aren't cleared cannot practice until they are. Also, if you click on the link for the fall covid form, it is now a google form that has to be filled out the day of practice before arriving to practice; we no longer need physical documents.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Day 1 Update

Athletes should arrive to woodman field between 3:05 and 3:10 tomorrow. To the right there is a tab labeled fall Covid questionnaire, athletes should fill this out before coming to practice tomorrow. All you have to do is write your name and the date, only check off boxes if you do have symptoms and if you have such symptoms do not come to practice. If you don't have a printer don't stress there will be forms on hand tomorrow, but you will get checked in faster if you are able to have this on hand upon arrival. 

Parents and athletes please also click and read the link to the right labeled training protocol, these items must be followed and if you so chose to stray you will be asked to leave the team without the proper chance to tryout. Families, we ask that you bookmark this page and check it daily; the majority of your questions and concerns are and will be answered here. If you know of other families who have children that will be trying out please see if they have this information as well. Team work doesn't just apply to practice and competition. Please utilize our facebook (Running Mounties), twitter (@runningmounties) and instagram (@running_mounties) as well.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Week 1 Practice

Monday September 14th will be the first day of practice at woodman field, athletes should arrive between 3:05 and 3:10 (no earlier as we are staggered with football). If you get there before 3:05 please wait on the grass in the circle or on essex avenue. We are still waiting on an updated roster, once provided this will be posted on the blog (athletes who are cleared). If you are planning on being a part of the team you must be at practice on Monday. 

Everyone must bring and wear a mask, if you don't you will not be allowed in the facility and therefore will miss a day of practice. Masks do not need to be worn during the workout, but once heart rate goes down and when standing around masks must be worn. If you do not feel well DO NOT come to practice. Only athletes who are cleared will be allowed to practice, no questions asked. As of now, athletes who turned in their paperwork within the past two weeks will not be cleared, we ask that you please be patient. Please keep an eye on the blog this weekend as we are still waiting on information from administration in regards to Monday.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Athletic Paperwork

If you still need to turn in your paperwork the athletic department will be collecting them tomorrow from 8am-12pm. Make sure you wear masks and social distance

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Alumni Fundraiser

Families, a group of our alums have put together a run-a-thon to combat sexism and misogyny. As we are part of the Montclair High School running community we should do our part in helping. Please see their message below. Their google form will be posted under the information tab; any amount would be greatly appreciated.

"To state the obvious, sexism and misogyny is one of the largest problems facing modern American society. Montclair High School, even in the most progressive of communities, is not immune to this. As current students and recent alumni, we have seen both directly and indirectly how sexism and misogyny manifest itself against our classmates in our school through intimidation and peer pressure, dating violence, and even sexual harassment and assault. Therefore, we feel that we must demonstrate that this behavior is unacceptable in any community, especially in our progressive, accepting home of Montclair, and stand in solidarity with survivors of sexual harassment and violence. 

In effect, we, the members of the Montclair High School running community have decided to raise funds for the NJ Coalition Against Sexual Assault and SAVE of Essex County by holding a run-a-thon the week of Monday, September 7th. Members of the community can participate by sponsoring one of our runners at a rate of your choice. By holding our run-a-thon, Miles for Survivors, we can stand up against an unfortunately significant culture of sexism at Montclair High School and stand up for our community's progressive values.

To donate, please visit the google form posted in the bio of our Instagram account (@milesforsurvivors) or posted on our Facebook (@milesforsurvivors). For more information about our run-a-thon and our designated charities, please email us at

We cannot remain complicit in accepting the culture of misogyny at Montclair High School and our greater community. We must actively work together to create a safe and inclusive environment for the women and girls of our community. Thank you!

- Miles For Survivors "