Saturday, August 31, 2019

Holiday Weekend

Just a reminder, there will be no practice today or Monday, practice will resume on Tuesday September 3rd at 2pm. Athletes are expected to do the following workouts on their own this weekend. The listed items can be found on the Nike Training Club app download at link below. Workouts can be searched for on the browse tab
  1. Runner Warm up
  2. Runner stability 
  3. Quick-hit abs
  4. Glute and hip strength 
  5. Glutes and glory
  6. Glutes to the max
  7. Runner flexibility 
Sunday: start with runner warm up then do the following below.
1) varsity: 1 hour run at taking pace 
2) Jv: 45 minute run at talking pace 
3) freshman/new to xc: 30 minute run at talking pace 

When finished at home do

Monday: Off

Thursday, August 29, 2019


As stated in practice today, we will not be going offsite for practice tomorrow. All athletes are to be at woodman field at 7:55 the latest for practice at 8am.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Offsite Practice

For the rest of the week we will be travelling offsite for practice. The bus times are listed below; these times are when the bus will be leaving not the time that you should show up. If you are late you will be left and this will be marked as an unexcused absence. Athletes make sure you bring water and gatorade all three days, for Friday we suggest bringing a snack as well due to it being a longer bus ride. Also, as the weather is getting cooler athletes make sure you are wearing your layers to practice.

Wednesday & Thursday 7:30am
Friday 7am

Freshman Orientation

All freshman who have to miss practice today or tomorrow should go for a 30 minute run in the evening on the day they have to miss.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Saturday and Sunday

All athletes have today off unless given a specific run to do by Coach Washington. For tomorrow (Sunday) all athletes should do the workouts below on the Nike Training Club app (link below). Once you download go to the browse tab and search for/do each workout. Practice will resume on Monday, 8am at woodman field. 

Nike Training Club by Nike, Inc

  1. Runner warm up
  2. Glute and hip strength
  3. Glutes and glory
  4. Cut to the Core
  5. Runner flexibility 

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Spike Night

It's time to gear up!  This is just a reminder that Fleet Feet will host a special XC Spike Night tonight at Fleet Feet Montclair from 6-30pm to 8pm.  You will receive a 20% discount on all trainers and spikes.

Fleet Feet will have giveaways and refreshments, too!  And, special incentives for those athletes who attended the Summer XC Clinic! Spread the word! 

6:30PM TO 8PM

Tuesday, August 20, 2019


We will not be travelling offsite for practice tomorrow. All athletes should report to woodman for practice at 8am. Also, if you are going to miss practice athletes should send an email to As much as we love hearing from parents, the athletes are young adults and need to start learning to be accountable for themselves.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Week of 8/19

Families please utilize the blog for practice information. The practice information on the athletic site is wrong. Tomorrow all athletes should report to Woodman field for practice at 8am the only day we will travel offsite for practice this week is Wednesday and the bus will leave from Woodman at 7am.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Impact Test

The ImPACT testing make-up session is tomorrow (Wednesday, August 14th) at 1PM in room 500A of the Annex

Monday, August 12, 2019

Week of 8/12 & Clearance

This week we will meet at woodman field everyday at 8am for practice. As stated in previous blog post, during the summer we will only meet Monday through Friday. Athletes make sure that you are staying hydrated throughout the day not just during practice. Also, the most up to date clearance list has been posted.

Parents, when you are dropping your children off in the morning please drop them off in the circle and have them walk to the track. The parking lot is very busy and we need to keep it clear.

Athletes, if you are not running the Midland Mile we would like you to volunteer. We have a great relationship with fleet feet and they take care of the team throughout the season and this is a great way for us to give back and a great way for you all to get volunteer hours. Please click on the link below and choose your time and spot to volunteer.

Friday, August 9, 2019


Day 1 of the cross country season will be Monday August 12. All athletes should report to woodman field at 8am, if you are not cleared you can still come and gain all the information from the team meeting. However, you will not be able to practice with the team until you are cleared to participate. If you have not sent an email in regards to why you aren't cleared we will go over this as well on Monday. The most up to date clearance (as of 2pm today) has been posted.

For those of you still on vacation, the number of weeks you are missing is how far back you should go in the summer training plan. I.e if you are missing week one of practice do week 6, if you are missing two weeks then start at week 5 and so on. Athletes make sure you bring water to practice, I would suggest everyone purchasing water bottles this weekend. Enjoy your weekend and see you all Monday morning.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Impact Test

Any athlete still in need of an impact test; the athletic department will be administering them on Wednesday (August 7th) at 1pm in the Annex. Also, just a reminder if you are missing any paperwork you need to email Ms. Covello ( ASAP to set up an appointment to see her and get them in.

Friday, August 2, 2019


As the beginning of the season is vastly approaching, we hope that everyone is getting their training in. To the right you will find the most up to date clearance list, if your name is not on the list it could be due to one of the issues below;
1) you did not turn in any paperwork
2) your physical and/or impact test are outdated
3) the parent portion on genesis was not completed

As new lists are received from the athletic office the list on the blog will be updated. If your name is not on the list and you plan on being a part of the team please direct all your questions to

Also, just a reminder the first official day of cross country practice will be August 12th, if you are unavailable that week it is highly suggested that you do the last week of the preseason training plans posted for each level of athlete to the right.