Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Team Picture

Tomorrow (October 31st) we will be taking our team picture at woodman field after school. Come to practice and change as you usually do. Please make sure you have either your breast cancer shirt, Cross country fleece or sweat shirt that was purchased from the booster or the team shirt that was given out; this way we can look some what uniform.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Essex County Championship

This Friday we will be competing at the Essex County Championship, the list of athletes competing has been posted and below you will find the race times; the bus will be leaving from Midland avenue at 1:15 and athletes will be dismissed after 6th period. Athletes will be riding the bus to the meet but can leave from the park if they leave close enough and can also go home with parents as well. We would like all athletes to stay for the entire meet as it is a championship and should be there to cheer on their teammates and be a part of the experience.

Boys Freshmen 5000 meters 2:15 PM

Girls Junior Varsity 5000 meters 2:50 PM

Boys Junior Varsity 5000 meters 3:25 PM

Girls Varsity Championship 5000 meters 3:55 PM

Boys Varsity Championship 5000 meters 4:25 PM

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


Thank you to all those that have already signed up to help/donate for the meet this Friday.  We still need your help.
If you are not able to donate items or time and would still like to contribute to the team we always accept money donations.

Please click the link below to sign up.

Thank you for your continued support!

Friday, October 19, 2018

Saturday Updates

The bus will be leaving from midland avenue at 7:30. Remember early is on time and on time is late, also please wear your breast cancer awareness shirts. For those of you that were going to volunteer the Rec Cross country meet has been postponed so you have the day off.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

County Invitational

The competition list and race times for Saturday has been posted, the bus will be leaving from Midland avenue at 7:30am. As mentioned today those of you who aren't running are to report to Nishuane park between 8:30 and 9am to help with the Rec. Cross Country meet; which will be over no later than 11am and volunteer hours will be given. Tomorrow's practice will be over no later than 4pm for Freshman and JV athletes, please plan accordingly.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

County's and Fundraising Opportunity

We will be hosting our one and only concession/bake sale on Friday October 26 at the Essex County Championships held at Brookdale Park.  The Bake Sale will open at 2pm.This is a shout out for baked goods, water, Gatorade & fruit.  We will accept home-baked or store brought items.  If you're able to help in any way either by working the sale or contributing items, please click the link below (in the comments please write what you are donating).

Please drop off donations at 27 Glenridge Parkway, no later than NOON on the 26th, please leave on the porch.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Breat Cancer Awareness

Great News the Breast Cancer Awareness T-Shirts are in.  We will be distributing to those that purchased today, Tuesday October 16 during practice.  Please make sure your athlete is aware to pick up from the Managers.  If your athlete will not be at practice today, please let me know to arrange alternate pick up.

Once again, THANK YOU for your support.

Friday, October 12, 2018


There has been an update in the race times for this evenings race at Greystone please see below. Also, there will be no practice for those not competing today however you are expected to go for a 50 minute run today and there is no practice tomorrow. Please check the blog Sunday morning for a home workout for all levels.

Updated Race times

4:00 Freshmen-Boys & Girls 4k All Groups

4:30 Varsity-Boys Large & Small Schools

4:55 Varsity-Girls Large & Small Schools
5:20 JV Varsity-Boys All Groups

5:45 JV Varsity-Girls All Groups

Wednesday, October 10, 2018


Tomorrow there will be no practice for freshman or JV, Varsity and those who lift will meet at woodman after school, and if you need to see the trainer please do so as well. The list for Friday's meet has been posted, the bus will be leaving from Midland avenue at 2:15 so please be on time. Everyone is expected to wear their cross country shirts to school on Friday and if you are not running please go to the pep rally.

Friday, October 5, 2018


As stated in practice today, there is no practice tomorrow. All athletes have been given their assigned home workout. 45 minute run for freshman 1 hour run for JV. The bus will be leaving at 2:15 for athletes that were informed today.

Winter Sports


Physical Examination Dates

Tuesday, October 9th and October 16th
From: 5:30 to 8:00pm
Location: Nurse Office, Main Building

All Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation forms are required in order to get an exam.

ImPACT Testing Dates

Monday, October 29th
3PM - Boys and Girls Basketball
4PM - Ice Hockey, Cheerleading and Bowling
5PM – Swimming
Location: Mac Lab, Main Building

Thursday, November 1st
3PM - Wrestling
4PM - Fencing
5PM - Winter Track
Location: Mac Lab, Main Building

ImPACT Testing will take place in the MAC Lab, main building.  Tests will begin on time on the hour.  A signed ImPACT Test permission slip is required for testing!

If you can't make it to your assigned session, you can go to any one however assigned teams will have preference.

Please visit:  http://www.montclair.k12.nj.us/schools/montclair-high-school/athletics/mhs-athletics/
to register for winter sports, team updates and to download athletic forms.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

SEC & Winter Track

SEC Championship will be held this afternoon. For those competing you will be excused from your eighth period class, the list of people competing is located in the menu to the right. Only these athletes will be excused from 8th period. Since this is a championship meet and you are committed to this team we ask that all athletes stay for the entire meet, to cheer on teammates and be a part of the experience. Only those with prior commitments will be allowed to leave after their race. See race times below and come ready to win this afternoon.

3:00 - Combined Boys/Girls Freshmen 2 mile (All Divisions)
3:20 - Girls' Novice 5K (All Divisions)
3:40 - Boys' Novice 5K (All Divisions)
4:40 - Boys American Division Varsity 5k
5:40 - Girls American Division Varsity 5k

Due to the change in the SEC meet the winter track meeting (for athletes)  has been moved to Friday at 2:45 in the main building cafeteria. If you are currently doing a fall sport ask your coaches if it is okay for you to attend this meeting so that you can get the information you will need to participate. Parents registration for Winter Track & Field  is now open, here is the link below:

Make sure to complete this early so there is no delay in your child's clearance/participation.

Monday, October 1, 2018

SEC Championship Postponed

Due to the weather, tomorrow's meet has been moved to Wednesday. Varsity and those who lift meet at woodman immediately after school, JV and freshman do the link below for your in home workout.


Race times for Wednesday are listed below; as stated before, if you weren't at practice on Friday you will not be competing. For those competing you will be excused from your eighth period class, the list of people competing will be posted tomorrow. Only these athletes will be excused from 8th period.

3:00 - Combined Boys/Girls Freshmen 2 mile (All Divisions)
3:20 - Girls' Novice 5K (All Divisions)
3:40 - Boys' Novice 5K (All Divisions)
4:40 - Boys American Division Varsity 5k
5:40 - Girls American Division Varsity 5k

Also please see the following link ( tracknfield.smugmug.com ) for photos throughout the season. If any parents have photos you can also upload them here. The password is goblue.