Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Varsity XC

Please see preseason track workouts the remainder of this below, next week's workouts will be posted on the track blog.

Week 1

Runner warm up
Cut to the core
The perfect 10
Peaks and valleys
Runner flexibility

Full-body ignition
Pace breaker
Quick-hit abs
Glute and hip strength
Runner stability
Runner flexibility

Runner Warm up
30 Minute Run
Runner Stability
Runner Flexibility

Monday, November 18, 2019

Winter Sports Meeting

Good Afternoon,

The athletic department will be hosting our Winter Parent Meeting on Tuesday, November 19th at 6:00pm in the auditorium at MHS. 

Monday, November 11, 2019

Week of 11/11

All Freshman and JV athletes must return there uniforms before the end of the week. The days they will be collected are Monday, Wednesday and Friday of this week; the managers will be by the girls locker room at 3pm each day to collect. If you’re uniforms are not returned by Friday a charge will be placed on your school account and you will be billed for the uniform. The navy blue cross country T-shirt is yours to keep however singlets and shorts must be returned.

For those moving on to groups please see race times for this weekend below. We will discuss the remainder of the season today at practice.

2:00pmGroup 4 Girls

3:00pmGroup 4 Boys

Friday, November 8, 2019


The bus will leave from Woodman Field at 10:30am. Athletes and those who want to come support must be on time. If you plan to compete in under armor everyone must be wearing the same color. Make sure you are all layered up as it will be very cold. See race times below

Meet Schedule
10:50 GROUP 1 BOYS
11:15 GROUP 3 BOYS
12:30 GROUP 2 BOYS
12:55 GROUP 4 BOYS

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Mag. Seven

Tomorrow we will meet at Brookdale Park on the softball field by the track at 10am. All JV and freshman athletes will be competing. Freshman run at 11am and JV runs at 11:30; athletes please make sure you wear lots of layers, eat breakfast and bring water. On Saturday varsity will leave from woodman at 10:30am

Friday, November 1, 2019


Athletes, there will be no practice tomorrow please do the following workouts below.

Freshman: 20min run
JV: 30min run
Varsity: 40min run

All athletes

Nike App
  1. wake up call
  2. runner warmup 
  3. cut to the core
  4. Opening time
  5. Quick core crush
  6. runner stability
  7. runner flexibility