Tuesday, July 23, 2019


As most of you already know we were forced to cancel last week's track meet due to excessive heat.  Our "Rain Date" is thisSunday, July 28th.  Please consider volunteering!  

Here is a quick summary of committees and time frames:

Set-Up & Registration Committees - 3:15pm
Track & Field and Timing Team - Arrive for a 4:30pm Meeting
Check-In / Race Day Registration - 4pm
Meet Start Time - 5pm (until approx. 7:30pm)


Wednesday, July 17, 2019


The Fleet Feet XC Clinic at Brookdale Park this evening has been cancelled due to the Heat Advisory Warning.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Clearance/ Preseason and Volunteer Opportunity

Athletes and parents, the last day to turn in paperwork for fall sports will be Thursday July 11th. Paperwork will be collected from 8am to 3:30pm at woodman field. If you are in Montclair I highly suggest coming to the captains practices on Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays; we meet at woodman field at 8am on all three days. This is for all levels not just incoming freshman.

Fleet Feet and New Balance will be hosting their free Cross Country summer clinic starting tomorrow and every Wednesday in July. This is also another great opportunity for athletes to learn new things and practice on our County Championship course. Learn more here 

There is also another volunteer opportunity as the Fleet Feet Youth Track series will host their second meet on July 21st. If you are available please use the link below to sign up.


Sunday, July 7, 2019

Captains Practice

All athletes should report to Woodman field at 8am for captains practice tomorrow. We will meet on the high jump area of the football field. Make sure you bring water and Gatorade; if you have asthma make sure you bring your pump. Captains practice will be Monday, Tuesday and Thursday every week until the first official day of practice on August 12th. Keep an eye on the blog, Facebook and twitter for any changes that may occur due to weather or other circumstances