Monday, October 14, 2024

SEC Championship

Tomorrow we will be competing in the SEC championship, athletes should go for a light. 20 minute followed by the session linked here YOGA. Please see race times below; due to the earlier race times athletes will be excused from 7th and 8th period and should report to woodman field to change. The buses will leave at 1:20pm. Come ready to compete

Mixed Freshman (Boys & Girls) 3pm
Varsity Girls 3:40pm
Varsity Boys 4:40pm
JV Girls 5:20pm
JV Girls 5:20pm
JV Boys 5:40pm

Thursday, October 10, 2024


Freshman and jv will have the day off on Friday October 11. However, everyone will have practice Saturday Morning; we will be going offsite and the bus will leave from woodman field at 7am. Those observing will have the weekend off and should complete the home workout on Sunday on their on.

Parents, on Sunday evening the booster club will be hosting a parent social. This is a chance for you to meet with other parents and is team fundraiser with a suggested donation of $20. If you are interested and plan to attend please rsvp directly to

Tuesday, October 8, 2024


There will be no practice on Wednesday October 9th. Athletes should use the time to catch up on school work and at some point after school do the yoga session below; practice will resume on Thursday.


Monday, October 7, 2024

Week of 10/7

This week we will practice Monday to Saturday however, Wednesday will be an at home active recovery day for athletes. We will have a workout posted here for them to complete on their own. 

As we are getting closer to the championship portion of the season we have to stay focused.

The dopamine addiction is real... but it's guaranteed to give us nothing but regret in the long-term.⁣⁠
Less scroll time and more skill time.⁣⁠
Less "wish I was them" comparison and more "I'm working to get better" competition.⁣⁠
Invest in what matters instead of spending more time on your phone.⁣⁠

Friday, October 4, 2024

North Jersey Champs

Tomorrow the bus will leave from woodman at 7am, athletes need to wear layers as it is early am and the temperature at garret 10 degrees cooler. Black team shirts and black running shorts is the race attire; see race times below.

Frosh Boys        9:00am
Frosh Girls        9:10am
Varsity Boys      9:20am
Varsity Girls      9:35am
JV Boys             9:50am
JV Girls             10:05am

Friday Workout

Circuit 1: Perform 5 reps of each movement with no rest between exercises. Complete six exercises to finish one round. Do 4 rounds total, with one minute rest between rounds.

1. Squat

2. Push up

3. Leg raises

4. Push up

5. Squat

6. Leg raises

Circuit 2: Perform each move for 60 seconds, resting 15 seconds between each one. Complete all five exercises to finish one round. Do 3 to 5 rounds total. 

1. Squats

2. Crunches

3. Front plank

4. Side plank

Cool down: repeat warm up followed by stretching, hold each stretch for 30 seconds.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024


Tomorrow everyone has the day off; do the ACTIVE RECOVERY workout linked and use the day to rest/recover. On Thursday we will be taking a bus offsite for practice and we will leave from Woodman at 8am, practice on Friday will also be at 8am. For those of you that will be away/celebrating the holiday there will be workouts posted here tomorrow evening. Also, see results from meet 3 linked below. 


Monday, September 30, 2024


As in weeks past athletes will be excused from class at 2pm and the bus will leave from Midland at 2:20; athletes should come to the bus dressed for competition. The entire team will be off on Wednesday seeing as school is closed on Thursday and Friday we will meet for practice at 8am. If you won't be at practice Thursday and Friday (whether its due to observing the holiday or other plans) make sure this is communicated to the coaching staff via email. 

Parents we have no problem hearing from you however, your children are young adults and as stated in the team policy, the parent meeting and told to your athletes daily; they need to send the email themselves. Also, please see race times below for Saturdays meet; athletes will be chosen based off the top performances at our regular season meets.

Frosh Boys9:00 AM
Frosh Girls9:10 AM
Varsity Boys9:20 AM
Varsity Girls9:35 AM
J.V. Boys9:50 AM
J.V. Girls10:05 AM

Friday, September 27, 2024


Tomorrow practice will begin at 8am, everyone should wear layers and rain gear.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024


There will be no practice tomorrow (9/25) any athletes in need of treatment should report to woodman immediately after school to see the trainers as there is a soccer game at 4pm; if you need to change utilize the locker rooms in the weight room. Everyone else, use the day to rest/recover; practice will resume on Thursday after school.

Also, the team store will close tomorrow at midnight so get your gear ASAP. As stated we would like all athletes to at least purchase a top and bottom outer layer.


Sunday, September 22, 2024

Week of 9/23

This week everyone will be off on Wednesday and there will be practice on Saturday morning. Just a reminder, the team store will close on Wednesday and we would like all athletes to at least get a top and bottom layer.

Parents, this week we will begin our team concession stand at the regular season meets. This helps us a number of opportunities to raise funds for the team. That being said please see link below to help out with donations or your time working; any and all help is greatly appreciated.



Thursday, September 19, 2024


The team store will close on Wednesday September 25th, so get your orders in ASAP. Also, we are having offsite practice on Sunday; this will be a smaller group than last time and just the top varsity and JV athletes as we are going to one of the tougher courses in NJ and we have to run three miles before we get to the workout area. Athletes traveling Sunday will be informed at practice tomorrow, if they are not around there will be no penalization.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Team Store/ Results

As we are one night out from our first meet, we want to congratulate everyone who competed. Below are links to the team store, and the results from yesterdays meet and our scrimmage. As stated today in practice yesterdays times are marks to beat and we will get better but first we have to do the little things daily. This means being on time and prepared (not only to practice but class as well), eating, sleeping and hydrating; staying focused and most importantly basic respect. 

TEAM STORE (everyone should get at least a top and bottom layer)


Monday, September 16, 2024

9/17 Opening Day

Tomorrow we open up the with our first regular meet of the season; athletes competing will be excused at 2pm as the bus will be leaving from Midland ave at 2:20. Only athletes competing are excused, athletes not competing should compete the home workout below in preparation for practice on Wednesday. The Frosh/Novice race will go off at 3:45pm followed by the varsity races with times listed on the schedule. Athletes, don't forget your layers, water bottles and snacks but most importantly come ready to compete.

Parents our team store is open and will close on September 20th so that we can make sure everyone gets their items in a timely manner. We would like all athletes to have a top and bottom layer (of course you can always buy more and some for yourselves). Please see link below


Home Workout 

Warm Up

• 10 Leg and Arm Swings

• 5 minute light jog in place or jumping jacks


- 15 Push Ups

- 15 Squats

- 15 Leg raises

- 15 Lunges

- 15 Mountain Climbers

- 15 Supermans

- 15 Crunches

Rest 1 minute after each round. Repeat 3-5 times.

Friday, September 13, 2024


The bus for Saturday's offsite practice will leave from Woodman at 7:30am. Parents (new and returners) please make sure you all have filled out the emergency contact form

Thursday, September 12, 2024


Junior/Senior athletes looking to opt out of PE must have forms in the track mailbox in main office before lunch tomorrow. Parents tomorrow practice will be short, freshman done by 4pm JV & Varsity by 5, so that athletes can rest and be ready to take the bus to offsite practice Saturday morning; the bus will leave from Woodman at 7am (athletes going Saturday will be informed at practice).

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Week of 9/9

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the parent meeting. For those of you unable to make it please look over the TEAM POLICY with your child; this sheds light on a few items that were discussed. However, to put it simply your child is on a competitive team and the expectation for them, everyday, is to come, give their best and put in the work to get better.

Parents, please make sure you all fill out the emergency contact form. This is mandatory for your child to train/travel to competition. If your child has an epipen or asthma pump please make sure they have this at practice (in practice area not locker). We ask that all athletes get proper running sneakers as general sneakers not made for running will lead to injury. We also ask that every athlete get an insulated water bottle as these can be refilled during the school day and at practice at the districts filling stations.

This week all levels will practice Monday through Friday after school and Saturday leaving from woodman at 7am for offsite practice.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Parent Meeting/Weekend Training

Reminder; the parent meeting will take place in the LGI at 9am Saturday morning.

Athletes, we are officially done with our second full week of training; keep working. See home workouts below for Saturday and Sunday. Do your best to get these done in preparation for week three as we are one week closer to our first meet. With the upcoming week there will be practice on Saturday 9/14, please plan accordingly.


1) Core

2) Yoga

Freshman: Easy 40 minute run
JV: Easy 50 minute run
Varsity: Easy 60 minute run

These runs should be at talking pace (meaning you would be able to have a conversation while doing it). Make sure upon returning from the run you all get a good stretch in, holding each stretch for two sets of 30 seconds.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

September 5th

As we all prep for the first day of school we just wanted to share some updates that where shared at practice today. Beginning tomorrow we will be utilizing the locker rooms in the field house; athletes should get to woodman as soon as possible (once school is over) get changed and be ready for practice at 3pm. If you get to woodman and the locker rooms are full change in the weight room locker rooms and bring belongings back to team locker room so they can be locked up while you are at practice. 

Parents; there will be a parent meeting on Saturday 9/7 at 9am in the LGI (Main Building). Also, please see link to the right and fill out the emergency contact form for your athlete; if this is not filled out your child will not be able to compete.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Holiday Weekend

A big thank you to all the families, friends and community members that came out to support the team at our scrimmage. As a reminder, there will be no practice this weekend; we will resume practice on Tuesday. Please see updated practice times for next week below. Also below you will find workouts for athletes to complete on their own for Friday through Monday.


Tuesday & Wednesday: 7:30am-9am

Thursday (First day of school): 3pm-5pm


Friday: Easy run

Varsity: 60 minute

JV: 40 minute

Freshman: 20 minute


1) Warm Up

2) Yoga 

3) Core

4) Cool Down

Sunday: Everyone; 20 minute walk

Monday: Easy Run

Varsity: 10 mile run

JV: 6-8 mile run

Freshman: 4 mile run

Everyone: Yoga 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Scrimmage 8/29

Tomorrow we will be hosting our NB Scrimmage, only athletes that are cleared, have 6 practices and coaches have deemed ready to compete will run. Everyone (competing and not) should be at woodman at 3:45pm. Athletes not competing will have a workout followed by supporting teammates at the meet. Athletes competing should wear black mounties sports shirts (for those of you new to the team it will be provided) and black shorts... remember your layers as the temperature is set to drop and we will be running into the evening. 

As stated previously this is a meet to introduce athletes to competitive racing, New Balance will be on site with demo trainers/ XC spikes for athletes to test. Fleet Feet Montclair will also be available selling merchandise and our booster club will be available with Montclair gear for sale. Please see race times below.

5:30 Frosh/Novice Girls 1 mile

6:00 Frosh/Novice Boys 1 mile

6:30 Varsity Girls 2 miles

7:00 Varsity Boys 2 miles

*Note that start times may be adjusted based on entries

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Athletes at freshman orientation should do the workout below.

10 minute warmup jog, followed by light stretching. 30 minute run slightly above talking pace.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Weekend Workouts

We are officially one week into the season, big kudos to everyone who showed up this week; keep up the good work. With that being said there are somethings that need to be done this weekend, see home workouts below for Saturday and Sunday. Do your best to get these done in preparation for week two.


1) Core

2) Yoga

Freshman: Easy 30 minute run
JV: Easy 45 minute run
Varsity: Easy 60 minute run

These runs should be at talking pace (meaning you would be able to have a conversation while doing it). Make sure upon returning from the run you all get a good stretch in, holding each stretch for 30 seconds.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Practice Schedule

Monday August 19th will be our first official day; we will begin at 7:30am, this means athletes should be on the track ready to begin before this time. Parents, if you are dropping off/picking up your child utilize the circle DO NOT pull into the parking lot. 

The most up to date roster has been posted, even if you aren't cleared you should still come to practice on Monday; we will let those athletes know why at practice on Monday and get them the information needed to be cleared. Athletes who aren't around during this time should look at summer workouts and do those on their on until they return. Upon return these athletes will be given a set amount of days to tryout.

Practice Schedule

8/19-8/28: Monday to Friday 7:30am-10am (weekends off)

On assigned day freshmen who have orientation will have workouts to do on their on; these will be posted on the blog.

8/29: Scrimmage 5:30pm at Woodman field. 

8/30: OFF

Tuesday, August 6, 2024


There will be no captains practice on Thursday August 8th; we will resume next Tuesday 8/13. 

For those of you new to the blog, please see links to the right for the schedule, roster updates and team policy. As previously noted the first official day of practice is Monday August 19th; we will meet at Woodman field on the track with practice beginning at 7:30am. If your name is not on the roster send an email to so we can let you know what needs to be done so you will be cleared by 8/19.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Genesis Registration

Parents please see the information below; most athletes aren't on the roster due to not being signed up in genesis. Please follow the steps below in order to sign up for Fall Sports

Log onto your Parent Access account and go to the Forms Tab

Click on the form called "Fall Sports Form 2024 - 2025

Please review the first 4 questions on the form 

Click on the link and review the document displayed 

After reading the document click on the "Selected" check box to the right of the question for the following forms

1. NJSIAA's Steroid testing policy 

2. Sports - Related Concussion and Head Injury Fact Sheet 

3. Sudden Cardiac Death Pamphlet 

4. Opioid Video Sign Off Sheet 

5. Opioid Use and Misuse Educational Fact Sheet 

Review the NJSIAA Steroid testing Policy, and choose yes to consent to random testing Read the district's Athletic Code of Conduct, and choose "YES" that you and your child will abide by its provisions 

Choose the sport your child wants to play from the dropdown menu 

Click the green box called "Update Answers❞ 

Click the Finalize check box 

Click OK when asked, "Are you sure you want to finalize this form?

Click Update Answers 

you do not answer all the questions on the form, the form will not be accepted and your child will not be signed up for the sport they wish to play.
If this does not apply to you then send an email to to find out why your child is not cleared.

Monday, July 29, 2024


The most recent roster has been posted; if your name is not on the roster please send an email to to find out why. 

For the remainder of the summer there will only be one session of captains practice and that will be held at 7:30am, there will no longer be an 8:30 session. 

We have also posted a preliminary schedule (under meet info tab) for the season ahead so families can plan accordingly. All meets listed in bold are varsity only all others include all levels (freshman to varsity). This will be discussed in more detail at the parent meeting on September 7th.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


The most up to date roster has been posted under the clearance tab to the right. If your name is not on the roster send an email to so we can inform you of what needs to done to get you cleared; the roster will be updated as we receive new clearances. 

As a reminder if you are in Montclair, you should be attending one session of captains practices every Tuesday and Thursday morning (session 1 at 7:30am and session 2 at 8:30am). Athletes should also be completing the preseason workouts linked to the right on their own. Athletes do not need to be cleared to attend captains practice but have to be cleared by August 19th; the first official day of practice.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Captains Practice

Captains practice will begin tomorrow and be every Tuesday and Thursday until practice begins on August 19th. Athletes will meet on the track at woodman field. If practices are cancelled or if there will be changes check here (blog) and/or the team’s Instagram page (running_mounties).

Reminder; captains practice is for all levels (freshman through varsity) and there will be two sessions. One beginning at 7:30am and another at 8:30am. Also, make sure you all are doing the summer workouts even if you are going to captains practices.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Summer Training

The summer training plans for all athletes have been posted. Varsity and JV athletes are to do the returners packet, freshman and those new to cross country should do the new to xc packet. Jv athletes should cut all times and distances on the workout in half. Captains practices will begin on July 9th and go until the first official day of practice on August 19th. Athletes do not need to be cleared to attend captains practices but must be cleared before 8/19 to participate from then on. That being said make sure genesis and all paperwork is completed/turned in by July 12th the latest. Summer weight room will also begin on the week of July 8th from 3pm-7pm, you can come anytime between these hours. Just a reminder, athletes are expected to be in shape on August 19th and we have given you the tools to do just that.